Arianne Meneses
- 5'2"
- 41"
- 32"
- 41½"
- 12 US
- 6.5

Meet Arianne
Arianne is a Filipina woman driven by personal evolution and creation, which led her to New York City. Being an only child, she has always loved finding adventure on her own even if it was as little as creating an imaginary boat in her mom's dental office. Growing up she took vocal, acting classes, and took an interest in photography but not until age of 14 did she start training in dance seriously. After graduating High School in 2016, she moved to NYC and went to American Musical and Dramatic Academy to study Dance Theatre. Since then she's been working on different shows that allowed her to travel throughout the US; coming back to NYC in 2018, she worked with diverse & versatile choreographers that paved the way in her choreographer debut. You can find her teaching pop up classes in the city or substitute teaching at Steps On Broadway. Arianne puts emphasis on the importance of personal growth and how that impacts a human being on a daily basis. She is a spiritual healer and she does so through movement; the combination of yoga & dancing has allowed her to step into her own power and is the very thing that she sends out to the world.