Shane Appell
Meet Shane
Shane Appell is a social media talent from New York. His platforms jumpstarted in 2020 alongside his music career, and he has been pushing content creation ever since.
He also has many hobbies and interests such as water sports, skateboarding, cliff jumping, tumbling, working out, and music. Shane strives to be the best he can be by connecting with his fans, building relationships with brands, and working on his craft every day!
Meet Shane
Shane Appell is a social media talent from New York. His platforms jumpstarted in 2020 alongside his music career, and he has been pushing content creation ever since.
He also has many hobbies and interests such as water sports, skateboarding, cliff jumping, tumbling, working out, and music. Shane strives to be the best he can be by connecting with his fans, building relationships with brands, and working on his craft every day!
Shane Appell x Journey Instruments